Five Things We Can Learn from Rory Feeks Emotional Interview

Rory Feek

Rory Feek has finally given his first interview since the death of his beloved wife in March. Their story is one that we have all followed for a few years now. The famous duo was a musical hit, fans loved them and their love story is one that might occasionally have people wondering and occasionally have people on the edge of their seat with excitement. They were the type of couple that everyone wanted to be; so clearly in love with one another that it warmed the hearts of those who spent any amount of time with them. This was not a couple that didn’t have what it took to make their marriage last. Sadly, it did not last.

Joey Feek had cancer; twice. She died March 4, 2016 after suffering for many months in hospice care. The world was heartbroken to hear of her passing. The young mother has a 2-year-old daughter at home, and she did everything that she could to celebrate just one last birthday with her little girl, making her dreams come true before she passed away and went on to leave behind the pain she was in for so long. The interview that Rory Feek gave was not only emotional, it was enlightening. We all expected to see a man heartbroken, torn on how to raise his little girl and his older children from a previous relationship and how to go on without his beloved wife. We learned so much more from this interview that he likely intended.

What’s on the inside matters most

Sometimes people are more concerned with how the outside looks than the inside. Especially those who have a very public life to live. We learned in this interview that Rory and Joey Feek were not interested in how they looked outside; they were more concerned about how they felt on the inside and how they lived their lives from within.

Hearing her makes him feel peace

When his wife died, he began listening to the music and the songs that they created. Doing this would break the hearts of so many, but for Rory Feek it brings him a sense of peace and a sense of understanding that his wife is gone.

He’s emotional

There are times when Rory Feek is all right. And there are times when he is so emotional that he breaks down and it scares and confuses his daughter. Essentially, we learn that as time goes on, normal life begins to show up here and there, just a bit at a time. But the hurt and the pain never leave.

He doesn’t get it

Rory Feek is not ashamed to admit that he doesn’t understand. He has no idea what happened and why it happened to them, or why life is the way that it is. He is not someone who gets it, and he’s all right with not getting it.

He still believes in God

When people lose someone they love, many of them will go onto forget that they are believers. They are angry with God for what happened, and they take out their anger on him by questioning their faith. What Rory Feek admits is that he doesn’t understand God’s choices. What we get from that is that you’re not supposed to understand those choices right away. One day we will understand, but usually not right away.

Photo by Getty Images
