Does Streamer Nixstah Cheat On Call Of Duty? Many Think He Cheated On Call Of Duty, Here Is The Redd

The famous twitcher is rumored to be cheating while playing Call of Duty: Warzone though he doesn’t accept the charge. As a result, his account got banned. Therefore, it raises suspicions and suggests that he is concealing something.

The TikTok- star cheating in the Warzone game was exposed on Reddit as one of the user-posted the clip that displayed his cheating tactics.

After seeing his cheating on Reddit, many of his fans were upset with him and denied watching his games. While some believe that he might not have cheated but it was just some glitch while playing.

The influencer is playing Call of Duty: Warzone with a second account and was asked if he cheated during his recent streams which he denied.

One of the YouTubers, Goon Squad, breaks down specifics of Nixstah being discovered cheating in Warzone and has commented on why he is cheating.

During the video, it was seen that Nixstah was in a game stream, then one of the players blamed him for cheating which Nixstah denied, then the player again asked him the reason behind his account being banned in the game.

He utilized the tactics of cheating in a game as a joke, according to the Goon team. As a result, his fans will dismiss it, but it is a cover-up for his cheating.
